Thursday, July 31, 2008

Digital Media Content Business News

When I started this blog over a year ago, it was to cover stories in the still-emerging digital content industry. This world of online entertainment and digital delivery is now mainstream, and continues to grow. Popular old-school media companies have begun to embrace the new delivery channels and content-creation techniques. Take the recent examples below as proof.

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Friday, July 25, 2008

My Interview with Brian Goldfarb

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Brian Goldfarb, Group Product Manager of the UX Platform and Tools Strategy group at Microsoft. We spoke in Orlando after his keynote speech.

We chatted about multimedia, creative teams, designers, developers, Silverlight, desk clutter and endless email sessions.

See my recent coverage of his presentation, including Silverlight video of the whole talk.

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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Digital Media Entertainment Studios

As a producer and consumer of digital media, I find it encouraging to see such a healthy crop of newfangled filmmakers. These are companies dedicated to creating content pieces for digital distribution. Like studios set up to create TV or movies, the internet studios are generating new works and releasing them to a mass audience.

For example, the makers of LonelyGirl 15 have transformed themselves into "EQAL (pronounced “Equal”), the social entertainment company dedicated to redefining the way we interact with content and with each other."

"Worldwide Biggies is a Digital Entertainment Studio that’s redefining entertainment by creating hit properties for young adults and the digital family."

"Next New Networks is a new kind of media company, creating micro-television networks over the internet for targeted communities, bringing together elements of tv programming and internet philosophy to allow viewers to contribute, share and distribute content."

Generate is "new content for a new generation. With the entertainment industry undergoing a seismic shift in reaction to the rapidly changing consumption habits of the youth and family audience, we recognize there now exists a unique opportunity to create a forward-thinking company that understands both this audience and their increasing demand for content across multiple platforms."

60 Frames is "a company specifically focused on financing and syndicating web content, in an environment where artists maintain creative freedom, significant profit participation, ownership and control over their properties. 60Frames provides financial, legal, creative, physical, marketing and distribution resources to professional artists who wish to create original, high quality programming for the internet and other digital media platforms."

Vuguru is Michael Eisner's company that is producing high-quality digital entertainment properties. Learn more about this in my recent post from Eisner's recent keynote speech.

Endemol is a thriving production entity that creates powerful content for all media platforms. They've done Big Brother and Deal or No Deal and are focused on both traditional and emerging technologies.

Stage 9 Digital Media is an ABC TV offshoot focused on creating digital programming for internet audiences. They are syndicating rapidly to YouTube, Hulu, Zvue and even on the Xbox among others.

"Electric Farm Entertainment is a digital studio for the development of intellectual properties across multiple platforms." They are the studio creating Gemini Division, the online sci-fi series available at the NBC website.

"Medialink helps professional communicators and the media engage their intended audiences with compelling video and audio distributed via the Web, television and radio. We produce award-winning video and audio content that is promoted and distributed to broadcast and broadband media outlets"

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

East Coast Trip 2008 part 2

Below is more video from our epic family travels earlier this month.

Maine: Chapter One

This video contains: Fishing adventures, finding worms, dragonflies, Fort Knox, Belfast and bicycle fish.

Maine: Chapter Two

This video contains: Acadia National Park, Camden, dead turtle, silly dances, rivers, wine, pigs and chicks.

WATCH: East Coast Trip 2008 part 1: Connecticut

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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My Interview with Michael Jahn

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing a true industry veteran, Michael Jahn. He's a printing industry consultant, color specialist, PDF evangelist and glob-trotting presenter. He's also a surfer, goof-ball and trickster.

We talked about what's changed for content creators, designers and publishers in the last 20 years. He's been involved with PDF since it was just "P" (for postscript). He describes why now is one of the most exciting times ever for digital publishing.

We spoke in Orlando just before his CRE8 presentation entitled, "What Color is Your Cheese Doodle?"

To learn more about the CRE8 Conference on Creativity & Technology, see my posts from the show.

To enter the mind of Mr. Jahn, view his blog.

This video is presented using the Veoh service. Learn more about Michael Eisner and his connection to this company.

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Sunday, July 20, 2008

East Coast Trip 2008 part 1

Our family summer travels brought us to Connecticut and Maine during July. Below is our home video compilation from the first leg of the journey, Connecticut.

This video contains the following weirdness: Peabody Museum in New Haven, Pepe's famous tomato pies, swimming, parrots, mules, bears, Mystic Seaport, fourth of July parade, fireworks and live music.

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Friday, July 4, 2008

Web 2.0 Directory

Quick, before Web 2.0 is totally dead, visit the Web 2.0 Directory to see all the latest start-ups. Technically, aren't we on Web 5.0 by now?

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